
Generate powerful and fast Avatar Images easily with no effort.

URL format:

  • https://cdn.dedeard.my.id/avatar/:nickname.:format?:options

Note: all requests must use GET or HEAD method, otherwise it will be rejected.

For example: https://cdn.dedeard.my.id/avatar/dede ard.jpg?size=600

Avatar Example


format=:string OR f=:string

Set avatar format.

Value: webp - jpeg - jpg - png - svg

Default: webp

For example: /avatar/dede ard.png

size=:pixel OR s=:pixel

Set avatar size in pixel.

Value: val > 0

Default: 60

For example: /avatar/dede ard?size=120

maxlength=:pixel OR m=:pixel

Set avatar maximum character length.

Value: 1 - 3

Default: 2

For example: /avatar/dede ard?maxlength=3

color=:hex OR c=:hex

Set avatar text color.

Default: 111827

For example: /avatar/dede ard?color=000000

bgcolor=:hex OR b=:hex

Set avatar background color.

Default: f3f4f6

For example: /avatar/dede ard?color=ffffff